Molly Moocow created in Haslemere

Molly Moocow Was Created in Haslemere

In 2003, the year before my first son came into the world, Molly Moocow was born…
Apart from a few years organising people in offices, I’ve always worked with children. My years as a nanny and nursery nurse taught me a lot about what works well to help children learn, but it wasn’t until I trained as a Montessori teacher I really felt that I could help make them thrive. Something just clicked into place for me.

Montessori is a whole philosophy based on seeing a child as a completely capable little person and creating a stimulating environment that provides freedom to explore and grow into their full potential. Everything about the philosophy and methods felt so right to me.

After finishing my Montessori training I wanted to establish some classes that would give me the opportunity to be creative with my training and experience, as well as create something that would work around the family my husband and I wanted to have.

Children respond so beautifully to music and drama – it’s the perfect platform to use to provide fun opportunities for learning in all areas of their development. And so Molly Moocow began with a clear vision backed up by lots of hard work!

Molly Moocow is so much more than just a business to me. I absolutely love what I do and feel honoured on a daily basis to have had an influence on the learning journey of each little person who enjoys our classes.

When a child, who is normally shy, starts to join in, or when a little one who finds it hard to concentrate starts to participate, it’s a fabulous feeling. And all the little smiles as we clap hello to each other, or the looks of deep concentration when they’re trying to copy me, are wonderful. They’re engaging and learning on so many different levels and it’s rewarding to know I’m a part of that.

I now have two wonderful sons, who have both grown up with Molly – she really has been part of the family!

Leigh Fisher, Founder.

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